Donate computers to support your local community.

Computer Reach accepts technology donations for free. In fact, we even offer pick up! All usable equipment is refurbished and given to people in the Pittsburgh region. New donors receive data destruction at no cost. 

Did you know?

Did you know that most for-profit recycling companies destroy donated computers to make money on the metals and parts in the equipment. Computer Reach is different. We refurbish all possible computers for our Digital Navigator and Training programs that serve children, job-seekers, older adults, and families in Southwestern Pennsylvania. 

Our goal is to ensure that all people have the technology, knowledge, and equipment they need to succeed in the 21st century. Will you help make that goal a reality?

Support Your Community

Each refurbished computer keeps harmful metals and toxins out of a land fill. Computer Reach has kept 685,356 tons of materials from the trash. Last year alone we recycled 15,621 tons of computer “waste."

Computer donations support your community and contribute to digital inclusion efforts that support local students, job seekers, families, and seniors.

Additional Benefits

Computer Reach will also acknowledge and highlight your company on our website, social media, and in our outreach efforts. Companies that donate more than 100 computers will receive additional acknowledgements.

We work with a certified recycler and offer DoD standard data destruction.

Contact Us

For questions or more information, please contact Dave Sevick at 724-779-0099 or